
Posts Tagged ‘ideas’

Tattoo Design Ideas for Women

October 16, 2011 Leave a comment
tattoo body girl

tattoo body girl

A tattoo sexy little ornamentation on the inside of the wrist is a hot trend right now. As a cute little piece of jewelry, a tattoo can improve your appearance. A tattoo artist named Mark has a few hints and tips on selecting the right design. Copy what you see around the world is not very creative and looks good in another person may not suit your body type or personality.

Two important things are: 1. Make your decision while cold sober, because that is the condition that is in most of the time that you are using the tattoo, 2. Follow your heart – do not let someone’s opinion to drive the decision.

Here are some guidelines for choosing a tattoo design. Guidelines not only instructions, your tattoo should be their own.

Star tattoos

Star designs are popular for men and women. Star wrist tattoos are, however, an ornament of the feminine. Top tattoos can represent a hope or a bright spot shining in your life that you are still taking place. Small star designs in size can fit a feminine style of fence. Shooting stars symbolize special events or times when life is changed. Nautical star tattoos symbolize protection and guidance. Moon star designs can be a component lighter and flamboyant personality.

 Tattoos script

A script can be a phrase or a famous saying that touches a chord in you or who is a personal quality that you see in your past, present or future. Simple examples can include love, hate, or “dreams are dreams.” Add foreign languages ​​mysticism. Japanese, Sanskrit, Arabic and Latin script languages ​​are common tattoo. To meet new people, a tattoo foreign language script is intriguing and adds a reason to grow your knowledge.

4 Fundamental Reasons to Get a Tattoo

October 16, 2011 Leave a comment

4 Fundamental Reasons to Get a Tattoo – In the last 10 years as a professional tattoo artist hatred, JD, I’ve done a lot of tattoos. I like to keep a certain level of honesty with the customer in their search for new tattoo. Never decide what tattoo is going to get without them making any decision on what is the idea, theme, or the intention is for themselves. I’ve been asked a thousand times: “What do you think would be a cool tattoo?” but what we should be asking is “What could make a good tattoo?”

It is this expectation that all my years, I should know a good tattoo idea top of my head. That’s the problem: I know too many of them. To ask what a cool tattoo would be the equivalent of asking someone on a beach to locate the best grain of sand. I found it hard to do, but I will not have a stopping point, I can not put in a conclusive at any reasonable time. In an effort to help you have a place to start, here are my four fundamental starting point towards a bright tattoo idea while reducing the chances that you are not going to like it later. These are not the only valid reasons, but are the least disappointing. You can find tattoo ideas to fit more than one category. I call that a good tattoo.

The eternal consistency

An “eternal consistency is something that will never change. Examples include your birthday, astrological sign, the birth of their children, and so on. No matter where you are or how their views may change over time, these are details will always be the same. I think of this in the “safer” idea. Even if the design gets tired, it will remain relevant to you.

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sexy tattoo ideas

October 10, 2011 Leave a comment
Tattoo Body with Sexy Tattoo Design

Tattoo Body with Sexy Tattoo Design

In search of sexy tattoo ideas? Here I will discuss ideas for tattoos sexy favorable today. These will be for men and women. People today often have a unique insight into what they are perfect sexy tattoos. For many customers, which is always the design, to some it’s always in the particular body art is. What we will explain to you here are the best ideas of today, for both ladies and men sexy tattoos. Probably the most controversial tattoo today usually are seen by many as the sexiest girls is the lower back tattoo. This usually has been called a tramp stamp and many people think that this type of body art is often of poor quality. But most people recognize that, because of the way in the back of the curves of women makes this a very sensual and sexy for the art work to be done.

Much loved designs for lower back tattoos are tribal art, flowers, butterflies and anything fascinating nature. For men, one of the sexier for many tattoos would be the tattoo bracelet. This type of body art usually add appeal to a bicep inflated. It is vital that a child stay fit and strong for this to work. When the results in the flaccid arm will improve a flabby biceps is definitely not very sexy. Famous works of art bracelet designed for the art include tribal designs, Celtic art, the vine and the barbed wire. For both men and women, the tattoos that become hidden in general are considered particularly attractive. A tattoo is going to be revealed only to an individual in a more intimate can be very sexy. Places to body art like this is often placed on the chest, groin, lower abdomen, not to mention even the genitals.

Tattoos in all these areas are probably often small and inconspicuous. Women usually use tattoos comparable to these matters of the heart, Cupid, the star drag, or evil cartoon characters. The men are in favor of works of art, even in these new places, which tend to be more tribal art, which is strong and tough nature. No matter where it is determined that your tattoo on your body or what the pattern is very important to do with attitude. Specifically, if hidden, when the tattoo is made known to the man or woman, to have a sexy attitude and confident the tattoo will also be more sexy. The essential thing to remember is that the tattoo is permanent. It charges that the justification of tattoo artists is not advisable to have a tattoo with the name of other important people. Only if the romance is broken at some point in the future, which is probably a good idea. If this time is not guaranteed how it will look and feel about a henna tattoo sexy look in art. What is a tattoo that fades shortly after a couple of weeks. If it is discovered as the tattoo, then you have to sign permanently.